Follow these simple steps to get your native garden going with live plant plugs:
* Select the proper species just right for your region and environment. Select color, bloom time, soil moisture required and sunlight conditions.
* Eliminate all competition from existing vegetation by tillage or using a burn down herbicide such as Roundup.
* Group your plants by species and plant in clusters to make sure you get a real burst of color during flowering time.
* Space your plants approximately one foot on center but you may leave a greater distance between clusters.
* Of course, plant taller species in the background so as to not to hide shorter species.
* Use a dibble bar to plant your plugs. A dibble bar can be hand made. If you are in loose soil that has been tilled, you may use your hand or hand trowel but in harder untilled soil, you will need a planting device called a dibble bar that you can create or purchase.
* Make sure your live plants, when planted have good soil contact with minimal air space around roots. Insure this by heeling in the plants without injuring them and water them right away.
* Mulch the entire area with approximately 4 inches of mulch.
* You will need to maintain your garden by eliminating any unwanted weeds or species that tend to spread.
* You may want to move some of your species in the future because you do not like the aesthetics. You can paint your own picture after you get a feel for what looks good to you.
Howard Bright AKA "Earthyman" is the owner of and Ion Exchange is a native seed and plant company. Howard has devoted much of his life learning and teaching about the "natural world we live in".