It is very rewarding to grow a vegetable garden at home. It is really good exercise and the home grown vegetables taste better than something bought in a store. You are also aware of precisely what's gone into the produce. A vegetable plot requires an assortment of jobs for which you will need the correct equipment. The basics will suffice and they are a fork, spade, hoe, trowel and a rake. It really is best to get good quality brands. Others may be cheaper but they are not as likely to last as long. A barrow is also helpful and a watering can. Sometimes, there are drought orders and it is good to have one or two rain butts. If you are starting your vegetable garden from scratch and it is a sizeable area, you may want to use a rotary cultivator to help you do the digging. It will save you loads of time and a sore back. They can be leased if you do not want to buy one.
Firstly, you need to locate and draw out your scheme. Plants must be moved around in order to keep the ground healthy. Apply a soil tester to check which sort of soil your yard has. This is important because different sorts of soil need different methods of treating it. The soil could be dense clay, light, sandy, chalky or alkaline. It also affects what variety of vegetables you can raise in your veg patch, as crops respond differently to different types of soil.
The soil will need breaking up so the seeds can settle in and so water and air can get through to them. Unless the soil is particularly hard, you can a spade as opposed to a fork. Take the weeds out and add fertilizer or organic manure. It's a sensible idea to start a compost bin near the vegetable garden. This will be a free source of fertilizer for the soil.
Once you've set up the area and fed the soil, you are ready to start planting and sowing. Split the vegetable plot into root crops, brassica and produce not in the first two groups. Root crops can include potatoes, carrots, swede, beetroot and onions. Brassicas are cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli and sprouts. That leaves garden vegetables such as sweetcorn, peas, squash, beans and salad plants like tomatoes and cucumbers.
You could start some plants growing underneath a cloche or in a greenhouse, especially if your are in an region where there can be lots of cold or windy weather. Make sure you keep up with the irrigation and weeding. Many gardeners put up a wall chart and plan their jobs in the vegetable plot, on a monthly basis.
Grow a Vegetable Garden at Home
Visit the grow a vegetable garden [] website for practical tips concerning planting vegetables, from growing a culinary herb plot, to planning a raised bed vegetable garden []. Plus all the latest news about this year's veggie garden trends.